Dreams: An alternate reality

“Don’t You have a dream?”

This is a phrase everyone hears at least once in their life. Of course, there are various instances for this question to be asked. Because this question itself is very ambiguous on its own, but with context, it adds a new meaning every time. Do you have a dream career?, Do you plan to get married anytime soon?, Do you plan to have kids?, and its a never ending cycle. Its a question that plagues us since we are born to our death. But are these questions to be taken to be “dreams”. A career can be equated to ambition. Getting married can be someone’s wish to have a partner and be committed. Having kids can be a choice one takes to bring up good human beings into the world. Can these be equated to a dream?

I always wondered if there were people who didn’t have these “dreams”. Someone who just goes with the flow. When I ask someone if they have a dream, some answer that they want to get a dream job or life, most of the others just answer that their dream is to be just happy. Now that is a far stretch. Being happy is not a dream, its a state of mind. And it is rarely possible as human beings, to always remain happy. You can live a peaceful life, but that does not mean that you will always be happy because there is not a single human who has led a life without shedding a tear or working hard to earn that peaceful living. In the end, even if we claim to live a peaceful life, there was some hardship put before us that we had to overcome to earn that peaceful life. And if you feel you have lived a life without hard work or claim to have lived a peaceful life without any hardships, you have yet to face them. It is a fact of life. As the saying goes, “There ain’t no such thing as free lunch”.

Coming back to dreams, your perfect career or a perfect life can be described as a dream, in the larger sense of the word. However, there are people who don’t have big dreams. I have never wanted to do anything in particular. If I could do my work for today and sleep, that is a dream for me. If I could just make a cup of coffee and drink it, that’s a dream for me. Some people would actually disagree with me and say that these are just my wishes and something you do everyday. If getting your perfect life is your dream, why can’t my simple wishes be my dream? Do I have to always dream big? I do not think about the future. Would I get a perfect job? I don’t know what I would describe as my perfect job. I have dabbled in different fields, not everything, but have found nothing that entices me. I love writing, but I would not consider myself as a brilliant writer. I love playing with numbers, but I would not consider becoming an accountant. Do I have to select something to do? I can do a simple job like cleaning or laundry at an industry and earn enough money to earn a livelihood and maybe sometimes splurge on my favorite fashion brands sometimes. I can still enjoy writing and I can still be happy. I don’t need to have a”dream” job. If my writings hit it off, that’s great! But I don’t dream of having a huge fan-base of readers and publishing books.

So if you don’t have a big dream like a perfect career or a perfect life. It is alright. You are not living in an alternate universe as others. Sometimes we realize our perfect career along the way of fulfilling our small dreams or in the other’s case, “wishes”. Sometimes we don’t have a perfect career, we just want to live through the day. And we are perfectly happy without a “dream”. We are not aliens, we are just unique and we don’t need to feel guilty for not having a dream or be depressed about it. Don’t wait for your dreams to awaken, just create simple ones that can keep you happy. Because in the end, we are all doing the same thing, them and us in the alternate reality, surviving.

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